President's Message

President's Message

Dear Members,
We are almost halfway through the summer season, right after the general election process, TOBB general assembly, Eid Qurban. The nine-day break brought a lot of dynamism to the tourism industry of our city, one of Muğla’s most significant economic sectors. The hotel and resort occupancy rates are reflected in every industry. With the rise in foreign tourists, a significant foreign exchange entrance has also been made.
We expect the mobility of domestic and foreign tourists to continue throughout the season and the season to be a good spell for all sectors and enterprises.
Our biggest fear here is that the forest fires will happen again. We have been experiencing this situation in the summer season for 2 years. Experts state that there will be a record in temperature levels this summer. Apart from the authorities being prepared for natural disasters, we want both our citizens and our guests coming to our province to be extremely careful and sensitive.
Both the high inflation rates last year and the reflection of the earthquake disaster on the national economy had a serious impact on the inflation rate. As all know, this earthquake disaster affected 11 provinces in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. Furthermore, it is quite unlikely that inflation will return to normal in a short period given the earthquake disaster’s cost, which is close to 100 billion dollars.
Under the existing circumstances, we predict that the real sector will go through a drastic time until the middle of 2024. For the process to resume normally and for inflation to fall, an austerity policy must be put into action. However, the real sector should not be the only one to show such dedication. Business leaders, employees, citizens, and the public in this country who maintain their existence must work together by saving. In order to decrease inflation, everyone has to bear this responsibility together.
As representatives of the business world, we continue to work through our committees to determine the issues faced by the industries and to initiate the required studies.
For any inquiries or issues associated with our province and our esteemed members, please get in touch with us.
Best regards,
Chairman of the Board