Sri Lanka Ankara Büyükelçiliği'nin 10.01.2025 tarihli e-postası

İlgide kayıtlı e-postada, Sri Lanka Seylan Petrol Depolama Terminalleri Limited tarafından yayınlanan, “Döner
Uçlu Silindirik Şamandıra Temini”ne ilişkin ihale ilanı duyurusu iletilmekte ve bahse konu ihalenin kapanış
tarihinin 6 Mayıs 2025 olduğu bildirilmektedir.

EK: İhale Duyuru Evrakı (4 sayfa);

Sent: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 02:41:12 +0000
To: ebys
Subject: Fwd: Invitation for Bids (IFB) – Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited of Sri
Attachments: KPR-01-2025 IFB (1).pdf
Tuna Evmez
European Union & Foreign Relations Department – Avrupa Birliği & Dış İlişkiler Dairesi
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye – Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar
Birliği (TOBB)
Address : Dumlupınar Bulvarı No:252 (Eskişehir Yolu 9.Km) 06530 /ANKARA
Tel : +90 312 218 22 19
Fax : +90 312 218 22 09
Begin forwarded message:
From: SLEMB Ankara <>
Date: 8 January 2025 at 13:34:56 GMT+3
Subject: Invitation for Bids (IFB) – Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals
Limited of Sri Lanka
İhale Daveti – Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited 02 ADET 02
ADET Döner Uçlu Silindirik Şamandıra Temini İhale Ref. No.: KPR/01/2025
Sayın İlgili,
Sri Lanka Demokratik Sosyalist Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçiliği olarak, Ceylon
Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited Şirketi tarafından yayınlanan ihale
duyurusunu ekte tarafınıza iletmekten memnuniyet duyarız. Uluslararası üne
sahip üreticiler, yurt dışındaki yetkili ihracat acenteleri veya yerel yetkili
acentelerden kapalı tekliflerin sunulması davet edilmektedir.
Büyükelçiliğimiz, Türk şirketlerinin bu ihaleye katılımını kuvvetle
Gelen Evrak Tarih Sayı: 10.01.2025 – 1711 Bu belge, 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununa göre Güvenli Elektronik İmza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak sorgulaması adresinden yapılabilir. Gelen Tarih Sayı: 23.01.2025 – 249
Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen ekli belgeleye başvurunuz.
Teşekkür ederiz.
Invitation for Bids (IFB) – Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
Supply of 02 NOS. Swivel End Type Cylindrical Bouys Tender Ref. No.:
Dear Sir or Madam,
The Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is pleased to
convey the attached tender notice published by Ceylon Petroleum Storage
Terminals Ltd. Sealed bids are invited from internationally renowned
manufacturers, their accredited export agents abroad, or their accredited local
The Embassy strongly supports the participation of Turkish companies.
For further information, please refer to the attached document.
Thank you.
Embassy of Sri Lanka
No. 41, G.O.P., Kırlangıç Street,
Çankaya, Ankara
Türkiye 06700
Tel. : +90 312 427 1021 (Direct)
Bu belge, 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununa göre Güvenli Elektronik İmza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak sorgulaması adresinden yapılabilir. Gelen Tarih Sayı: 23.01.2025 – 249
: +90 312 427 1032 (Emergency – 07×24)
Fax : +90 312 427 1026
Web :
: @slembankara
: Sri Lanka Embassy in Ankara
: slembinankara
Bu belge, 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununa göre Güvenli Elektronik İmza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak sorgulaması adresinden yapılabilir. Gelen Tarih Sayı: 23.01.2025 – 249
The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee (Minor), on behalf of Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited (CPSTL) will receive sealed bids from eligible
parties through International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedure for the below listed procurement.
Description of Bid
Bidding Document
Fee (Per Set)
Pre-bid meeting
Date & Time
Bidding documents
could be obtained
Bid opening
Date & Time
Bid Validity
Bid Security
LKR 4,000.00 or
USD 15.00
On 27.01.2025
at 1000 hrs
From 0900 to 1400 hrs.
up to 17.02.2025
On 18.02.2025
at 1400 hrs.
06.05.2025 LKR 110,000.00 or
USD 380.00
& valid up to 03.06.2025
Eligibility criteria for contract awarding as stated in the bidding documents.
Interested parties may refer the bidding document (only for viewing purpose) and obtain necessary information through the website and the original
bidding document could be obtained from the undersigned as stated above date and time.
Bids shall be submitted on the bidding document obtainable from Procurement Function and duly filled bidding documents may be sent by post/courier under registered
cover or sealed cover to reach the below address or could be deposited in the tender box kept at the main entrance of CPSTL, on or before as stated above.
In case, the bidders are unable to submit the original bids as above, they could submit the scanned copy of the duly filled bidding documents in PDF format via email to to reach on or before as stated above, at their own discretion. The original bid document shall be securely kept to be submitted to the Manager
Procurement when requested, however their original bids will be obtained only for the filing purpose, not for verification against the e-bid.
Bids will be closed as stated above and will be opened immediately thereafter at the office of Manager Procurement, in the presence of the only one authorized
representative of the bidder who chose to attend.
The bid & bid security shall be valid as stated above.
Bidders shall register themselves at the Department of Registrar of Companies (e-ROC) in accordance with the Public Contracts Act. No 3 of 1987.
Clarifications (if any) shall be sought from the Manager Procurement on Tel: +94-11-2572156/ +94-11-2547238, Fax: +94-11-2074299, Email:
The Chairman
Department Procurement Committee (Minor)
C/o Manager Procurement
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
Procurement Function
01st Floor, New Building
Kolonnawa, Wellampitiya
Sri Lanka.
Bu belge, 5070 sayılı Elektronik İmza Kanununa göre Güvenli Elektronik İmza ile imzalanmıştır. Evrak sorgulaması adresinden yapılabilir