Muğla Göce Tarhanası Registered

The 2nd Tarhana Festival was organized by the MIG platform with the support of MUTSO. MUTSO’nun branding works within the scope of the geographic indication Muğla Göce Tarhanasının launch was held with the event, the historic Saburhane Square hosted a colorful weekend.
The second Tarhana Festival, organized by the Future Platform for Muğla (MİG) this year, was held on October 13 at Saburhane Square with the support of Muğla Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Within the scope of MUTSO’s branding works, the festival where the Göce tarhanas of Muğla, which has a geographical sign, was introduced, was the scene of colorful images of Saburhane Square. “Tarhana aşı tahta kaşığınan, her şey yakışığınan” with the regional slogan, the festival, the Mayor of Mugla Metropolitan Municipality Osman Gurun, CHP Mugla Deputy Suleyman Girgin, Mentese Mayor Bahattin Gumus, Mugla Sitki Kocman University (MSKU) Rector Dr. Huseyin Cicek, Mugla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MUTSO) President Mustafa Ercan, MIG Platform chairman Tolga Yuksel, platform members and citizens attended.
Muğla Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MUTSO) ‘branding studies’ within the scope of the geographic indication of Muğla Göce Tarhanası introduced the city’s historic Saburhane Square hosted a colorful weekend. Tarhana is the piece of important food culture of city. The festival was organized for Muğla tarhanası. It is the most consumed meal for the people of Muğla with pea, yoghurt, red pepper, bony meat and garlic. People showed great interest to the festival. Local people offered local products for sale at the stands reserved for them.
MİG President Tolga Yüksel, in the opening speech of the festival,
entertainment and concerts are canceled for the martyrs who lost their lives in the “Peace Spring Operation”. The second of festival is held in Saburhane, the best preserved place in Muğla. We are trying to carry the cultural richness of Muğla to the future by our platform we established in 2015. We have improved the scope of the festival this year by recognizing the participation of other cities in the first festival. Today, not only tarhana, but all local products grown in Muğla, stands opened. ” Yüksel said that Muğla tarhanası is a meal that brings family members and neighbors together. Yüksel said “We want to transfer this culture which is the legacy of our ancestors to our children.”
MUTSO Chairman Mustafa Ercan, one of the hosts of the event, recalled that they received the geographical sign of Muğla Saraylısı and Muğla Köftesi as a result of the branding activities that were started as Muğla Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the festival last year and said: Muğla Göce tarhanası also became a flavor that was entitled to receive geographical signs. I wish it happens beneficial to the Muğla. I Stating that the registration works for other flavors of the city are continuing, Ercan said, “We will continue to share with you as we get good results.” “However, our task does not end with branding. we need manufacturers and companies to be available for sale. We need companies and places that will offer these products for sale. ”
Stating that they continue to communicate with Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, Menteşe Municipality, universities, non-governmental organizations and governorship in order to bring Muğla’s urban protected area to tourism, Ercan said, “Cultures are the most important elements for our representation. We will continue to do our best to revive the 4,000 old Muğla houses registered 400 custom and attract tourists to our city ”.
Menteşe Mayor Bahattin Gümüş, in his speech at the festival’s opening emphasis on the historical significance of the Menteşe district, “district of Muğla Menteşe our best-protected city of Turkey. Until 1922, the Turks and Greeks lived in Saburhane Square as brotherly and friendly. The culture of those days continued until today. This region has been declared as an urban protected area and the managers of Muğla Metropolitan Municipality have protected the region. I thank everyone who contributed to the protection of the city. We, as the Municipality of Menteşe, will continue to do this protectionism in order to transfer our past to future generations within this duty and responsibility ”.
Gümüs said that with its registered buildings and restoration works, it will continue to work on transferring cultural values to new generations. Muğla tarhanası is very different from a soup. We have what is growing in our plateaus. ” Drawing attention to the work of the Future Platform for Muğla, Gümüş said: a group of young people in Menteşe; they are all very successful in their life. In addition to this success, ‘They have thinking what can we do for Muğla and Menteşe. Then they have established the MIG. They are all very excited and organize such a festival. It is good that they have the future of Muğla in their hands. I am proud to be the mayor in such a city.
CHP Muğla deputy Süleyman Girgin, who drew attention to the importance of the event, said, “Our Muğla loves this job. Distinguished members of the Future Platform for Muğla not only brought us together. They started a very important tradition in terms of solidarity, integration and transferring our own culture to future generations. I believe that we will see the 12th and the 22nd of the festival together, not the 2nd. We want to live our village life. Unfortunately, our villages were emptied, we were longing for our village culture. We strive to keep our culture alive through these activities. Our duty is not only to protect tarhana but to protect all our products and to tell the next generations. ”
Mayor of Muğla metropolitan municipality Osman Gürün, at the beginning of his speech, canceled the festival’s concert and entertainment programs due to the Peace Spring Operation, thanked the Future Platform for Muğla for their sensitivity. Gürün said that Muğla created an important meal of interest for their culture and said, Muğla Tarhanası, Muğla Köftesi and Muğla Saraylısı were registered. These registrations show how valuable and important our health is. He said, However, we need to promote, package and market them.
Pointing out the importance of cultural tourism, Gürün said, “Sea, sand and sun are no longer an indispensable tourism elements of the future and are evolving towards cultural tourism. Therefore, in the future, we will take our cultural values to the place we offer in tourism. China and India will be the countries that import the most tourists to the world. The people who live here are not interested in sea, sand and sun. They will want to experience something different in this land, food, music and historical textures will wonder. We have to bring this all out. Food culture is one of them. He said, As mayors, we will continue to protect the historical fabric that has been preserved for many years despite everything.
After the speeches, managers and political party representatives of the institutions hosting the event offered tarhana to citizens.


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